Ricardo's Blog

Monday, June 23, 2008

Lots of stuff to work on. Boy do i hate some Open source things some times For instance. why is DD-WRT X86 not working for me. I can get other things to work and this supposed package is good but its not working for me. Anyone have a clue???? Anways i have a few other projects and a wedding to work on so i have been busy and busier for a while. Hopefully it all settles down here pretty soon.

Monday, July 17, 2006

World news is really interesting. Now that World War 3 lurks just around the corner the sudden realization hits me. More innocent poor people are going to die for no apparent reason other than war is getting someones pockets full of greenbacks.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Welcome to my bog. Recently i have been going thru may life changing events and well its changed me for the worste or better that for people to decide but its changed me none the less. I know that i need to keep a journal of events so i can share with friends and family later on in life and after i pass. So here is a start. Call it a simple glimpse into a complicated person thru his typed word. Anways its a new start new friends old family funtimes. I'll keep this updated